The team at LA SAGRA had an idea. They wanted to produce a dispenser which was inspired by the gothic cathedral of Toledo, the birthplace of the brewery. And for us, satisfying our customer’s wishes is paramount. The brewery themselves came up with the original idea, and we at Ideliq were tasked with turning it […]

Few images are more appealing than the sun shining through Turia’s toasted amber beer. With this idea and design for the brand, we were asked to bring to life a tap that would recreate this effect: the sun beaming through a glass filled with this superb beer. With its conical/cylindrical shape that imitates the glass, […]

We manufacture the exclusive beer tap for the new Moritz brewery Ten years after opening Fábrica Moritz, for which we already manufacture the beer taps, the well-known brewery has launched a new establishment, Casa Moritz, on Rambla Catalunya in Barcelona. Over 300 square metres in the city centre city where you can enjoy all the […]

The great Ghent Fair is upon us This day had to come. After more than a year in which circumstances have kept us at a distance, we will once again meet face to face with the brewing sector and the entire European hotel and food services sector. From the 21st to the 25th of November, […]

We will be attending the Ghent Fair. We have been waiting for this day to come. After more than a year in which the circumstances have kept us socially distanced, we will once again meet up in person with the beer sector and the entire European hospitality sector. From November 21st to 25th, we will […]

We have improved our catalogue and much more At Ideliq, we design custom dispensers that capture and convey the soul of each brand. Now, in line with our commitment to do a better job of achieving this goal day after day, we have made improvements to our website. Among other things, we present you with […]

We would like to introduce you to our new design studio, with larger and more extensive facilities to improve the creative process behind our customised beer dispensers. The new studio means we can provide you with a better experience throughout the whole process, allowing for much closer collaboration. We wanted a space on par with […]

Creating Experiences That Generate Excitement All good experiences can be improved. Always. We know this to be true because it’s exactly what we do. Even with something as apparently simple as getting to the bar, ordering a beer from the tap and enjoying it, there’s a lot that goes into it. There’s the product, there’s […]

The iconic medieval counselor of St. Bernardus, who we portrayed in three dimensions in a custom tower, represented a challenge for our design team and the resulting product proved to be a hit with the public. The unique dispenser created for the Belgian brewery struck a chord with consumers and led to a substantial improvement […]

Finishing a project is always great news. And even more so when the client is incredibly satisfied with the result. For this reason, we are happy to present the latest work from our Ideliq brand, a custom tap for Richard dit LeCastor. This beer belongs to the ​Île d’Orleans microbrewery, which was bought in 2016 […]